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OB Hypertension and Maternal Early Warning Signs Update

Published May, 2022

What we previously knew as Maternal Early Warning Signs (MEWS) name changed to OB Acute Hypertension Management. The process of the nurse being able to initiate our hypertension protocol of Nifedipine 10mg after two severe range blood pressures has not changed. This change was needed to expand the MEWS alert to assist in identifying cardiovascular conditions and sepsis in out OB population. MEWS alert in the near future will include lab values, I&O balance, and other vital signs. IPPC (Interdisciplinary Perinatal Practice Committee) has been working on this expansion process since 2019. IPPC continues to work with informatics to finish the MEWS alert. More information will be disseminated when a go live date is closer.

This summer, Dr. Lovgren was granted IRB approval to conduct a randomized controlled trial comparing Nifedipine and Labetalol in the management of postpartum hypertension. Currently Dr. Lovgren is working with the executive team to on-board a research nurse to assist with this trial. This trial came from the amazing hypertension readmission work Dr. Lovgren has done. We look forward to what this study will show and how it could potentially change postpartum hypertension management in the future.