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Halyard Masks Get FDA Approval for Use

Published: Oct. 20, 2023
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The Methodist supply chain team has received notification that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made substantial updates regarding certain Halyard facial protection products.

Those updates are:

  • Halyard N95 respirators:

    The FDA has confirmed that Halyard N95 respirators continue to provide the expected level of particle filtration and fluid barrier protection, and it no longer recommends the use of a face shield. 
  • Halyard surgical and procedure face masks:

    The FDA has confirmed that Halyard surgical and procedure face masks continue to perform per their labeling.

Halyard is rapidly ramping up to help ensure a smooth and efficient return to sales and shipments of all Halyard face masks that were previously constrained due to the FDA review process. 

This is great news for the health system, and the supply chain team is staying on top of current mask supplies, especially with respiratory illness season upon us in the community.