Showing 951-960 results of 2096

Carmen Gonzalez Is Methodist Women's Hospital's Employee of the Quarter

Carmen Gonzalez, a nursing assistant in the Gynecology Department, is the Methodist Women's Hospital Employee of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2021. Carmen received two nominations for the award: "Carmen went above and beyond for my patient. My patient had a fetal demise. NICU brought her t…

Jean Mace Is Methodist Hospital's Employee of the Month

Jean Mace is an organization development system specialist in the Learning Center. She embodies our core values of integrity, excellence, learning, compassion, teamwork and respect in everything she does. Jean has been a Methodist employee for over 17 years.   “Jean is our gal when it comes to oper…

Stacie Roberts Honored With Shine Award for Nursing Assistants

The Shine Award for Nursing Assistants honors these staff members for the special role they play in patient care at Methodist Hospital and Methodist Women's Hospital. Their Supporting Hands assist our nurses In achieving Nursing Excellence and quality patient outcomes.  Shine Award Winner Stacie…

Hoarty Receives Health System's First DAISY Nurse Leader Award 

Tim Hoarty, BSN, RN, CCRN, Methodist Hospital’s critical care service leader, may not have always known he wanted to lead a team through the many challenges of a pandemic, but growing up, he knew he had a knack for working with and leading others. He was often captain of whatever sports team he play…

Deborah Post Honored With Good Catch Award

The Good Catch Award is designed to recognize staff members committed to patient safety. This recognition is presented monthly and goes to the department in which the good catch occurred. Nominations for the award are taken from reported variances where a near miss is caught. Those variances are fl…

3 Methodist Nurses Honored With March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Awards

Each year, March of Dimes (MOD) hosts its annual Nurse of the Year Awards to celebrate nursing excellence and recognize leaders in nursing across Nebraska and Iowa. This year the MOD received a record 321 nominations across 22 nomination categories. Of those nominations, eight Methodist nurses were…

Ryan McLaughlin Is Methodist Hospital's Employee of the Month

Ryan McLaughlin is a nursing assistant in the Medical Surgical department. He embodies our core values of integrity, excellence, learning, compassion, teamwork and respect in everything he does. Ryan has been a Methodist employee for over two years.   “Ryan is a shining example of compassion, ge…

The Meaning of Care Magazine: Read the Winter 2020 Issue

Enjoy stories of Methodist's outstanding care and medical innovation in The Meaning of Care Magazine.  This issue focuses on the defining topic of 2020: COVID-19. With stories about Methodist's COVID-19 warriors, how the first case of COVID-19 in Nebraska was diagnosed, one man's triumph over the d…

Methodist Marketing Department Wins 20 National Awards

The Methodist Health System (MHS) Marketing Department was recently honored with 20 awards in three national competitions: the Aster Awards for excellence in health care advertising, Healthcare Marketing Report’s Healthcare Advertising Awards and the Hospital Marketing National-Midwest Advertising A…

2020 Veterans Day Honor Roll

We're proud to honor the many veterans within our Methodist family with the special Honor Roll posted below. Honor Roll lists will be on display in Methodist hospital chapels and on posters in Methodist cafeterias Nov. 9-12.  We thank all those who have served or are currently serving in the milita…