Showing 661-670 results of 2094

HIPAA Alert: Who Can Hear You? Beware of Loose Lips.

"Loose lips sink ships" is a World War II warning about the danger of unguarded talk.  Are you carefully safeguarding verbal information to protect our patients' privacy?  Specific complaints made against our organization include: Front desk staff speaking too loudly when confirming patient inf…

Safety First: It's No Accident

What can we learn from penguins? Ways to avoid winter slips and falls! See the video here: Walk Like a Penguin Note: The video is also located on mhsintranet /Resources/Public Safety.  Click on: Safety 1st…It’s No Accident…. Topic of the Month to see Walk Like a Penguin topic. …

Safety First: Autumn Safety

Do you know how to stay safe as the season changes and daylight hours grow shorter? And how to reach Security at your affiliate? See the Safety Poster of the Month: Autumn Safety. Remember: Safety is EVERYONE'S responsibility!…

HIPAA Alert: Here's a Spooky Way to Test Your HIPAA Knowledge

Here's a fun way to test your HIPAA and Halloween knowledge, and the first person to email the correct answers to MHS Privacy Officer Zorana Vojnovic will win a $20 gift card to Target. EDITOR'S UPDATE: Congratulations go to Amy Fitzgerald at MPC Regency, who won the gift card as the first person t…

Safety First: Cyber Safety

Do you know how to protect yourself from malicious email? Check out these cyber safety tips and resources. See the Safety Poster of the Month: Cyber Safety. Remember: Safety is EVERYONE'S responsibility!…

Safety First: Fire Safety

Do you know what to do in the event of a fire in your department? Be ready to respond in a fire emergency. See the Safety Poster of the Month: Fire Safety. Remember: Safety is EVERYONE'S responsibility!…

Safety First: Protect Your Eyes When Viewing the Solar Eclipse

On August 21, 2017, the path of a total solar eclipse with cross diagonally over the entire length of the state of Nebraska. The entire state will experience at least a 90% solar eclipse, meaning that 90% of the sun will be hidden from view, casting a large shadow over the state. The last time the …

HIPAA Alert: Think Before Forwarding Emails

REMINDER: Before forwarding an email chain — especially when emailing to outside parties — remember to follow HIPAA privacy rules and to maintain confidentiality of proprietary information.  All Methodist Health System employees are expected to maintain a level of confidentiality, both internally …