Showing 531-540 results of 2089

IT Security Awareness: New Policy Backup Process

Process To Ensure the Availability of Policies During Downtime What Is Happening? All policies located on the intranet will be backed up monthly to a OneDrive location. This will allow for easy retrieval from an internet-connected device (e.g., phone or laptop) using the Methodist Office 365 OneDr…

Want to Be a Member of the Methodist Decon Team?

Have you ever wanted to learn more about decontaminating victims, using decontamination equipment or setting up a decon or shelter/triage tent, bio-seal or isopod during an emergency? Then consider becoming a member the Nebraska Methodist Hospital and Methodist Women’s Hospital Decontamination Team…

HIPAA Alert: Tips to Safeguard PHI and Other Confidential Information

Although certain Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)* sanctions are being waived during the current health crisis, we must be diligent in safeguarding patients’ protected health information (PHI)** and Methodist Health System’s confidential information***.  Here are some hel…

How to NOT Get Scammed on Tech Support Communications

When was the last time you saw something like this pop up on your screen? If you get this kind of pop-up window on your computer, don’t call the number. Real security warnings and messages will never ask you to call a phone number. If you get a phone call you didn’t expect from someone who say…

Risk Assessment Update Complete for Health System

To comply with Joint Commission and CMS requirements, a multidisciplinary team facilitated by the Emergency Management Committee discusses and completes a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) or risk assessment for Methodist Hospital, Methodist Women’s Hospital, Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital, H…

HIPAA Alert: What You Should Know When Sending a Fax

Did you know that all faxes sent from a Methodist Health System affiliate should be sent with an appropriate cover sheet? Per NMHS policy: “All outgoing faxes MUST be sent with the appropriate Methodist Health System cover sheet. It is NEVER acceptable to fax information without a Methodist Health …

Recycle Right Campaign Aims To Improve Recycling Efforts

Improving our recycling practices has been a top priority ever since wrapping up the MHS Sustainability Master Plan. Recent efforts have included: Started formal recycling at MJE New signage in all buildings No deskside trash containers at the 825 Building Information on the Integ…

HIPAA Alert: Privacy and Confidentiality

Information about patients, employees and a covered entity (CE) itself is confidential. Such information may only be accessed and/or discussed in the line of duty and only with those who have a work-related need to know. Employees are accountable to protect patient/customer confidentiality ON or OF…

HIPAA Alert: What Is an Insider Threat?

An insider threat is most simply defined as a security threat that originates from within the organization being attacked or targeted, often an employee or officer of an organization or enterprise, according to Digital Guardian. An insider threat does not have to be a present employee or stakeholde…