Showing 401-410 results of 2089

This Week's Reflection for Hope and Resilience

This is part of a series of weekly messages of hope and resilience that will be made available through Employee Connections and printed copies for those who do not have easy access to computers. Read last week's reflection here. Hope and Resilience in a Time of Need In these times of uncerta…

You Are Not Alone: Methodist Has Emotional Support Resources for Employees

We know these are extraordinary times with the challenges of life seemingly being compounded by the stress COVID-19 has brought. Words hardly convey how grateful we are to every Methodist employee, from the staff on the front lines to those behind the scenes. Together, we are making a difference in …

Open Communication Between Managers and Employees Is Key as School Year Begins

School is back in session. Under normal circumstances, this time of year comes with excitement for new beginnings and getting settled into new routines. This year, families are trying to prepare for an unknown future while praying that their loved ones stay safe and healthy. As we head into the fal…

July 21 Employee Town Hall Video Replay Available

Leaders from Methodist Health System answered questions during an Employee Town Hall event on July 21. Leaders taking part were: Josie Abboud, FACHE, president and CEO of Methodist Hospital and Methodist Women's Hospital Julie Murray, vice president of ancillary and professional services for Meth…

Methodist Fremont Health Named a TestNebraska Site

Methodist Fremont Health is partnering with the state of Nebraska to become a testing location for the statewide TestNebraska initiative. Beginning Monday, July 6, free COVID-19 testing will be available in Fremont to those who are eligible. Residents of Nebraska must complete the online assessment…

Best Care EAP Offers Emotional Support to Methodist Employees

This isn't an easy time. Changes at jobs, at schools and in daily routines have caused stress and anxiety for many people. But remember: You don’t have to do this alone. It's OK to reach out and find someone you can lean on. And the professional counselors at Best Care Employee Assistance Program (…

May 4 Marked the End of Flu Season

Infection Prevention and  Infection Disease have determined that as of May 4, 2020, the current flu season has ended. As of May 5, patient influenza screening has also ended. Employee Health will not provide flu shots again until this fall. With the continued risk of COVID-19, please contact Employ…

Employee Town Hall Video Replay Available

Leaders from Methodist Health System answered questions during an Employee Town Hall event on April 8. Leaders taking part were: Josie Abboud, FACHE, president and CEO of Methodist Hospital and Methodist Women's Hospital Ann Polich, MD, vice president of quality and performance improvement for Me…