Awards and Achievements

Brittney Ruiz Is Methodist Fremont Health DAISY Award Recipient

Published: Dec. 20, 2022
Brittney Ruiz DAISY

Brittney Ruiz, BSN, RN, considers herself a “huge person of faith.”

She’s always known that she wanted to help people in some capacity, and as a labor and delivery nurse at Methodist Fremont Health, she believes she has a unique opportunity.

“It’s a privilege to be there during such an intimate moment with a family and to be trusted to take good care of them,” Ruiz said. “I honestly feel blessed to be a part of that and just to be the one that’s there for them.”

Kelsi Patrick had Ruiz as her admitting nurse for the birth of her first child in December 2016 and second in November 2017.

In late February 2022, Ruiz also helped deliver Kelsi’s third baby.

Kelsi, now a mother of three children under the age of 6, didn’t have great experiences attempting to breastfeed her first two, but she decided to give it another try for her third.

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Kelsi recalled that her emotions were all over the place – in the hospital and after her discharge. Unfortunately, talks of a baby formula shortage only helped contribute to her anxiety. But Kelsi trusted Ruiz to give her what she needed.

“Being able to have her give me that sense of stability and confidence that I didn’t have in myself at the time was really nice,” Kelsi said.

Ruiz said that it’s important for her to make sure new mothers feel supported, both in the hospital and after they leave. And that means lots of communication during any part of the day or night.

“I was determined to help her through it this time,” Ruiz said.

Kelsi continues to breastfeed and knows that’s largely because of the care Ruiz provided, which led her to nominate Ruiz for The DAISY Award – a national recognition given to extraordinary nurses.

Deb Gathman, BSN, RNC-MNN, also nominated Ruiz for The DAISY Award.

Gathman had been scheduled to work during Easter last spring, but Ruiz stepped in to take her spot.

“I just don’t think every coworker would be so kind as to give up their holiday for another,” Gathman said. “She truly cared about my satisfaction at work and understood I needed that day with my family.”

That moment was just one of the many times that she’s had a positive experience with Ruiz. Gathman quickly realized when she started working in Fremont that Ruiz stood out among her peers.

“Brittney was always approachable and nonjudgmental,” Gathman said. “I felt I could ask her anything.”

“I’m so grateful that my patients feel like I give good care, and that I have coworkers that I can consider to be sisters of mine,” Ruiz said.

Read more in the Methodist Newsroom: Methodist Fremont Health Labor and Delivery Nurse Leans on Faith To Impact Patients and Coworkers