News and Events

Anonymous Reporting: What Happens in Lighthouse Stays in Lighthouse

Published: June 14, 2022
Legal and Compliance

Methodist's anonymous compliance reporting tool, Lighthouse, provides employees a risk-free way to openly report compliance or code of conduct concerns. This tool allows employees to confidentially report a host of inappropriate activities that they may witness or personally experience (such as discrimination, harassment, conflicts of interest and suspected fraudulent activity). Employees will never be subject to harassment, threats, coercion or discrimination because they filed a complaint.

How Does Methodist Detect Occurrences?

Methodist Health System's partnership with Lighthouse, a third-party vendor, assures employees’ complete confidence. The comprehensive tool is available 24/7 via toll-free access, web reporting, the mobile app, email and fax.


How Do I Access Lighthouse?

  1. Call the hotline number.
    (877) 640-0005 (English)
    (800) 216-1288 (Spanish)
  2. Access the web reporting portal.
  3. Scan the QR code below.
Lighthouse QR Code







Why Report Concerns With Lighthouse?

Unfortunately, our world is not perfect. But that doesn't mean we should sacrifice compliance and ethics. Reporting misconduct is everyone's responsibility. To maintain the highest ethical standards, it's necessary for all of us to do our part.

To learn more about Methodist's Legal and Compliance Department, as well as reporting, visit: NMHS Intranet > Resources > Compliance > MHS Compliance Reporting Link.